Internal Filesystem

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There are two layers involved with the internal filesystem. FlashFX Pro does wear leveling and bad block management while Reliance is the filesystem on top of it.

FlashFX Pro

FlashFX Pro maps logical addresses to physical addresses on the NAND. The physical space is divided into regions which are divided into units (erase blocks), each unit divided up into blocks (each equal to page size of the NAND). All integers are read as little endian.

The first block in a unit has a header describing the unit:

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3
0x00 Signature
0x04 Signature
0x08 Signature
0x0C Signature
0x10 clientAddress
0x14 eraseCount
0x18 serialNumber
0x1C ulSequenceNumber
0x20 lnuTotal
0x24 lnuTag
0x28 numSpareUnits blockSize
0x2C lnuPerRegion partitionStartUnit
0x30 unitTotalBlocks unitClientBlocks
0x34 unitDataBlocks checksum

The spare area of the NAND is 1/32th of the page size and holds extra information

1 2 3 4
Alloc info ones-complement of byte 0 XOR byte 1 error-correcting Hamming code of bytes 0-2
seems to always be FF FF FF 0F for used pages, FF FF FF FF for unused
error-correcting code of second half of page data
error-correcting code of first half of page data


The checksum in the unit header is calculated by adding all the bytes in the header mod 2^16.

uint16_t checksum(void *_ptr, size_t size) {
	uint16_t sum = 0;
	uint8_t *ptr = _ptr;

	while (size--) {
		sum += *ptr++;

	return sum;

Allocation information

This contains the status and logical address of the block. A unit header will have a magic signature (0x48E2).


Bits 12-15 indicate the status of the block.

Probably irrelevant for this version of FlashFX (always 0x4).

Logical address

Mask with 0x0FFF to get address. 0x8E2 is a magic number for unit headers.

Retrieving a page

The best algorithm for retrieving page data from a FlashFX partition is to first create a lookup table resolving logical page numbers to physical page numbers and use that to retrieve the page.

To build the table, first iterate through every unit. Your table needs to hold two pieces of data: the physical page number and a sequence number. The key should be the logical page number. The table will be unitClientBlocks * lnuTotal entries long.

For each unit, read the header, then iterate through the blocks in the unit. You need to gather two pieces of information for each block in the unit: the logical page address of that block and the sequence number of the unit it belongs to. The logical page number is equal to the unit's (clientAddress / blockSize) + the block's logical address.

If the page number is larger than the one already existing in the lookup table and if the sequence number is greater, the entry for that logical page number is set to the current block. Basically, the latest version of the logical page is the one with the greatest sequence number, then the greatest physical number.

Use the lookup table to map logical page addresses to physical page addresses.

If a lookup table entry is empty, it means no physical page has been allocated to it and the data at that logical address is a blank page (a page filled with 0xFF s).


A fairly stock standard filesystem. All pointers refer to block numbers (block numbers start at zero). Offset = blockNumber * blockSize. Integers are little endian.

MAST header

The header appears 0x40 bytes from the start of the partition (the padding is apparently used for some boot code on some platforms). This is the master header from where all reading/parsing should begin.

Reliance keeps two copies of the META header. A counter in the META header determines which is the more recent copy.

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3
0x00 'M' 'A' 'S' 'T'
0x04 Build format version Layout version
0x08 Block size
0x0C Number of blocks
0x10 2 x Pointer to META header
0x18 Volume creation date
0x20 Number of IMAP blocks
0x24 Reserved
0x2C Checksum

IMAP header

A bitmap to keep track of used and unused blocks. TODO. Unneeded for reading.

META header

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3
0x00 'M' 'E' 'T' 'A'
0x04 Counter
0x08 Index block
0x0C Next free block
0x10 2 x Pointer to IMAP block
0x18 Number of free blocks
0x1C Number of used blocks
0x20 Number of bad blocks
0x24 Unknown
0x28 Reserved
0x3C Checksum

INOD header

This describes an inode.

Timestamps are in milliseconds.

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3
0x00 'I' 'N' 'O' 'D'
0x04 Index
0x08 Data size
0x10 Creation timestamp
0x18 Modified timestamp
0x20 Accessed timestamp
0x28 Attributes Number of linked entries
0x2C Reserved
0x40 Data... (see below)

The lower two bits of the attribute determine what the data means.

0 Contains data directly (up to blockSize - 0x40 bytes)
1 Contains a list of pointers to data blocks (up to [(blockSize - 0x40) / 4] * blockSize bytes)
2 Contains a list of pointers to INDI blocks (up to [(blockSize - 0x40) / 4] * [(blockSize - 0x04) / 4] * blockSize bytes)
3 Contains a list of pointers to DBLI blocks (up to [(blockSize - 0x40) / 4] * [(blockSize - 0x04) / 4] * [(blockSize - 0x04) / 4] * blockSize bytes)

When you're reading data from following pointers, stop reading once the desired number of bytes have been read (i.e. equal to data size).

INDI and DBLI blocks

Both blocks begin with their respective 4 byte magic byte sequences. For INDI blocks, the rest of the block contains a list of pointers to data blocks. For DBLI blocks, the rest of the block contains a list of pointers to INDI blocks.

INDX data

The first inode will contain index data. Index data are pointers to inodes that hold file and directory information.

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3
0x00 'I' 'N' 'D' 'X'
0x04 Index entry #1
0x08 Index entry #2
0x0C ...

Special indexes

0 Magic number ('INDX')
1 Always the index file
2 Index for the root directory
3 Index for bad file?
4 Index for volume label?

Directory listing

A directory listing contains a list of the following structure

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB
0x00 0x80 Checksum? Length of the entry (n) Length of name (m) Attributes Reserved Pointer to inode
0x0C Array of 16bit characters (filename)
0x0C + m Padding
0x0C + m + n Next entry

The attributes meaning is described below

Mask Description
0x1 Is in use?
0x2 Is a directory?


Goplat's post on Omnimaga

Patent for FlashFX