OS upgrade files

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Revision as of 20:50, 4 August 2007 by (talk) (Creation, TI-Nspire.cer)
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The latest versions of the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS Operating System are available here. This article describes the format and content of the current versions (v1.1.9253 and v1.1.9170) of the .tno and .tnc files.


A .tno/.tnc is a PK-Zip file with a custom ASCII header describing the OS update file. The PK-Zip file contains a certificate file (TI-Nspire.cer) and a .img file (TI-Nspire.img).


The file follows TI's standard certificate format used on many caculator models. See TIGCC's documentation for more information (more particularly cread and cfindfield).

(Format of the following section: Field ID (hex) - size (dec) : comment. The indentation corresponds to subfields.)

350 - 298 : top-level field, similar to TI-68k's FLASH_APP_CERT (0x0300), PRODUCT_CODE (0x0320), FLASH_ROM_CERT (0x0330), etc.

0010 - 4 : ?
0100 - 4 : Revision Number (same field as for the TI-68k)
0260 - 140 : ?
0260 - 140 : A second one! The beginning and the end of the 2 fields are similar.

240 - 128 : Same field ID as in the .tno/.tnc. Certificate signature. FFF0 - 0 : END_OF_CERT

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